New Update v2.3.2 Available Soon!

Attention Warlords! A new update (v2.3.2) have just passed the certifications on all platforms and will be available for download in the next 24 hours! It may takes up to 48 hours for the update to be available for download on Windows.

Changes for all kingdoms
●  Prevent timeout when writing in-game Mails. You will no longer get “Knocks Knocks” message while writing or replying mails.
●  Prevent timeout when reading news. 
●  Fixed a bug that the barracks troop cap was calculated using *Unit Count*, rather than *Unit Space* on the server side, which could result in a slightly bigger troop amount (less than double) being summoned from Barracks in a single batch.

Arena Related Changes
●  Added Arena Territory Points in the Factions page – The Territory Points are calculated once a week at 10pm, each Sunday. In case of a tie, the Hero Experience bonus will not be activated for the following week.

●  Reduce the hospital energy cost
Duo to the impact from Elite Units and the increased troop cap at Level 18, the severely limited hospital energy is now blocking Barracks (with energy) from summoning troops without dismissing existing wounded troops to free up space. Therefore, the hospital energy cost for healing troops is now reduced by 65%. This change will take effect at 16:00, 6/23.

●  Fixed the coordination short code “R:32” based on where your city is currently located.

Check back often for more exciting news!