Emperor · .Anderson.!

Emperor-winner 2018Oct

Congratulations to Guild K7 · Alpha1 for winning the Throne War against all other kingdoms!

Hail to the Emperor · (A.1) .Anderson.!

In one week, we witnessed the most EPIC war in Storm of War’s history! 200 spartans, chosen by their leaders, have risen to fight in the honor of their kingdoms! Each encounter of the war lasted for incredibly long hours. The 200, supported by their people, battled day and night, and demonstrated the true meaning of strength, courage and honor! Congratulations to every warriors in K7 · Alpha1 and K1 · Fighters.Of.K1.

With the special power of the Emperor title, the Emperor City Castle will be upgraded to the Emperor’ Castle in the world view, and he can now teleport to any kingdom for a friendly visit. Moreover, a special Medal will be rewarded to the Emperor.

Note that, all the medals will be added to the player’s Profile page in 24 hours!

title-emperor-empress emperor-medal

A special Medal will be rewarded to the winning guild (Emperor’ Guild)! Moreover, all the members of the Emperor’ Guild will also be rewarded with this Medal for their contribution on winning the Throne War!


A special Solo Medal will be rewarded to the TOP 100 players who scored the most Throne War KILL points!


Moreover, not only these special Throne War Medals will be added to the player’s Profile dialog, they will also be displayed on top of the player’s City Castle in the World View for 15 days! After 15 days, the Medals will disappear from the Castle in the World view, but will permanently stay in the player’s Profile dialog.


The Gem Tiles will start spawning in Emperor’s home kingdom at 8:00, 10/9 Tuesday (PST).

The Special Titles
The Special Titles will be announced once they are assigned by the Emperor!


Check back often for more News!